Certified in an established program called "Art4Healing", Crescent Moon Center's director will facilitate a theme-based two-hour art workshop using acrylics, watercolors, pastels and collage. It is a fast-paced painting project created around themes and questions within the themes, some allowing only 2 minutes to respond to. At the end of each exercise, participants are encouraged to share about their painting experience and the emotions involved. This is an educational exercise, and no prior art experience is necessary.
Center participants will have access to a well-equipped art studio which allows self-expression through art in an unstructured environment, selecting from a range of materials such as paint, clay, etc. An Artist in Residency will provide a peer mentorship to all particpants.

Certified in an established program called "Art4Healing", Crescent Moon Center's director will facilitate a theme-based two-hour art workshop using acrylics, watercolors, pastels and collage. It is a fast-paced painting project created around themes and questions within the themes, some allowing only 2 minutes to respond to. At the end of each exercise, participants are encouraged to share about their painting experience and the emotions involved. This is an educational exercise, and no prior art experience is necessary.
Center participants will have access to a well-equipped art studio which allows self-expression through art in an unstructured environment, selecting from a range of materials such as paint, clay, etc. An Artist in Residency will provide a peer mentorship to all particpants.

Our vision for Crescent Moon Center
 is growing every day!
We invite you to join us as a participant, volunteer, donor, fundraiser, corporate sponsor, or community partner.
Please subscribe to our email list or schedule a time to talk to Vickie so that we can discuss the details.
Would you like to volunteer your time and voice?
Do you know of a community, an organization, or workplace that might like to partner with us?
Are you a facilitator of experiential art workshops?
If you want to help us create community and support members healing from trauma and addiction, let's talk!
Volunteer with Crescent Moon and help us bring our program to diverse, under-served communities.
• Administrative: file/data management
• Fundraising: support fundraising events/campaigns/networking
• Assistant/Apprentice facilitator: assist facilitators and learn to become a co-facilitator.
• Outreach: connect with local organizations and promote at events
• Influencer & Advocate: Build community engagement online & in-person working
For more details, check out our volunteer handbook.
There are many ways that you can contribute toward our cause, including gifts of your time, goods or services, supplies, partnerships and sponsorships.
We rely on the generosity of our community partners and people like you. Through in-kind donations of goods and services, event/workshop space, art, auction items, and mutually beneficial partnerships, you can help to provide experiential support programs for people recovering from or at risk for addiction.
Crescent Moon Center offers a variety of volunteer opportunities to be of service and give back to your community in meaningful and impactful ways.
We welcome your gifts and talents! Please email Vicki, our community engagement coordinator,
or schedule a phone / zoom call using the link below
Addiction in America is a growing public health crisis. In 2020, “…more than 100,000 Americans died from drug overdoses, the most ever recorded in a single year. [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, hsph.harvard.edu/news]
The State Health Access Data Assistance Center reports that:
The size of alcohol, drug overdose death increases in the first pandemic year were unparalleled. In 2020, U.S. alcohol-involved deaths climbed by 26.6%, and drug overdose deaths by 30.6%.
This serious public health concern is reflected in California and Bay Area statistics.
According to the California Drug Overdose Surveillance Dashboard:
· California drug deaths increased 20.3% 2019-2020 and 46.7 % 2020- 2021
· Contra Costa drug deaths increased 10.6% 2019-2020 and 45.8% 2020- 2021
· Alameda drug deaths increased 39% 2019-2020 and 23% 2020- 2021
· San Francisco drug deaths increased 62.6% 2019-2020 and 37.7% 2020- 2021
The Surgeon General also addresses this social health crisis: “…1 in 10 deaths among working adults are due to alcohol misuse… more than 60% of people treated for a substance use disorder experience relapse within the first year after they are discharged from treatment… and even after treatment, they remain at increased risk for relapse...” The research shows that, "Individuals who participate in [recovery support services] typically have better long-term recovery outcomes... active recovery and social supports, both during and following treatment, are important in maintaining recovery.” [Facing Addiction in America]
Crescent Moon Center's program helps people avoid relapse and maintain long-term sobriety through active engagement with recovery and community support systems. Many people who suffer with addiction cannot afford private rehabilitation or outpatient services, or are only able to receive the bare minimum through government and insurance programs. Resources for treatment are often quickly depleted due to cost or to government and insurance caps. For the most part, private and nonprofit rehab centers and medical facilities offer programs that are circumscribed by time, and on-going support services are often minimal, if provided at all.
As a nonprofit, we meet the needs of people who cannot afford private and outpatient rehabilitation, or who are only able to receive minimal treatment and counseling. We complement traditional recovery programs and bridge the gap between residential, outpatient programs and independent living.
You can help to support people recovering from or at risk for addiction by volunteering, donating, creating a fundraiser, and becoming a corporate sponsor or community partner. Sign up to learn more!