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The Mission of Solano Land Trust is to protect land to ensure a healthy environment, keep ranching and farming families on their properties, and inspire a love of the land.


The work we do goes beyond conserving land; it’s also about ensuring people’s relationship to the land remains strong. We are committed to building a conservation and stewardship ethic in our community by supporting values based on common ground and engaging the future leaders and land stewards who will come after us to take care of this land.

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Access Adventure is about freedom. When we are not limited by the challenges we face, we are free to challenge our limits. Give wings to the dreams of people living with the challenges of disability.


Access Adventure was founded in 2005 to serve the people of the San Francisco Bay Area. We provide therapy, education and outdoor recreation for people living with mobility challenges, special needs children, the elderly and injured veterans.

The headquarters for Access Adventure are located on the historic Rush Ranch, 2070 acres of preserved open space on the northern edge of San Francisco Bay. The property is owned by the Solano Land Trust. Rush Ranch is open to the public 7 days a week.



The Institute for Poetic Medicine is dedicated to nurturing the human capacity
to connect to Self, Other, Community, the Natural World, and the Divine
through the healing, expressive art of poetry; what we describe as:

 Awakening soulfulness in the human voice.

The Institute for Poetic Medicine offers tools and support
to heal body, mind and spirit through the creative and therapeutic process
of hearing, speaking and writing poetry. 

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Our mission is to bring divided communities together through collaborative community artwork inspired by Nature, healing heartbreak and laying the foundation for success in meeting community challenges.


The vision of the Unity Through Creativity Foundation is a world that is compassionate, connected, and creative. We bring these three qualities into everything we do in order to establish the foundations for understanding and lasting peace, locally and throughout the world. Just as literacy is considered a birthright, we view peace literacy as a birthright


Horse Dream Partner

Horse Dream Partner

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Patrick graduated from John Carroll University in Cleveland, Ohio. Sober and in recovery since 2002, he has served in a variety of roles in the recovery community. He has worked as a recovery companion and coach, and interventionist. He regularly provides support to addicts in crisis, exploring options to help them in short-term and long-term recovery. 


Patrick enjoys sharing his own story and helping all those who are otherwise lost in the disease of addiction and mental illness. As a cancer survivor and recovering alcoholic / addict, he draws from his own experience in an effort to create a common bond with clients and their families. Patrick enjoys traveling, reading, sports and lives an active lifestyle with his dog Maizey.

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Julie Bridge, founder of Mearas, has been steeped in the exploration of purpose driven leadership, social and emotional intelligence, creating meaning in the workplace and organizational development for over twenty-five years. Through her own personal development and decades of work with Fortune 500 companies, Julie has developed a deep understanding of the dynamics that can drive an organization to mastery or mediocrity.  As a lifelong equestrian, Julie understands the power of the horse/human relationship, and the profound realizations leaders, teams and organizations achieve through working with these majestic beings. She has had the honor of studying with the foremost thought leaders in Equine Facilitated Learning and Equine Guided Education and is an Advanced EponaQuest Instructor, Riding Instructor and Equine Guided Educator.

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Hilary Maslon is an abstract painter with over 30 years of experience in painting and exhibiting.   She has a Master of Fine Arts (MFA) from Queens.  As an entrepreneur, ecologist, and lover of animals she brings a new perspective of art and healing.  She has taught art to diversified groups and venues in NYC, Mississippi and California.  

Originally from a farm in Minnesota, Hilary moved with her family to Los Angeles at the age of 13, and then went on to study at San Francisco Art Institute, acquiring a BA through New College of CA/Mill Valley Program. In 1990 she moved to NYC, where she painted, exhibited, and worked as a scenic artist and prop technician. In 2000—motivated by the need to see the stars, know where her food came from, and become more self-reliant, she purchased land in the Piney Hills of North Mississippi and set up a cattle ranch and retreat. For the next 10 years, she split her time between Mississippi and NYC, acquiring her MFA. Subsequently, she established herself as a full-time resident of Mississippi, and became a host for the Worldwide Organization of Organic Farmers and taught farming and ranching skills to young adults from all over the world. Her teaching experience includes: NYC: Working through LEAP, a New York based artist-in-the-schools program, and Art Start where artists

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